About Me
I'm Zan Chaudhry, a person who's interested in a lot of things and interested in sharing them with anybody else who is interested. Currently, I am a post-baccalaureate research fellow at the NIH. I did my undergrad in biomedical engineering from Johns Hopkins University. I am fascinated by the junction between math/physics and biology/medicine. My core goal is to utilize math, physics, and computer science, with insights from experimental methods to make discoveries/understand life as a scientist and to make tools/innovations to improve life as an engineer. My research, industry experience, independent projects, and coursework span this interdisciplinary space (you can see a summary from my short and long CVs).
Outside of these pursuits, I am a frequent hobby scientist and entrepreneur, sometimes a composer and musician, and barely a poet/writer/photographer. I am also a native-born Minnesotan and Timberwolves fan. Check out my website to find out more.
zanchaudhry, or scan below.

Me and Juneau (guess who is who)